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dc.contributor.authorReimer, Mavis
dc.identifier.citationReimer, Mavis. “Power and Powerlessness: Reading the Controversy over The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.” Canadian Children’s Literature 24.2 (Summer 1998): 6-16.en_US
dc.description.abstractDans cet essai, Mavis Reimer fait l'analyse du débat de 1994 qui a entraîné l'annulation de Ia série télévisée des Power Rangers. Selon elle, celui-ci nous en apprend beaucoup sur notre perception de l'enfance. En effet, selon certaines théories contemporaines, la littérature pour la jeunesse intériorise les relations de pouvoir entre les parents et leurs enfants; or,dans ce cas-ci, les parents se sont perçus comme sans défense. L'auteur nous convie donc à nous interroger sur les répresentations culturelles de ce rapport de force. In this essay, Mavis Reimer analyses the rhetoric of the 1994 debate about the cancellation of The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for what it can tell us about contemporary Canadian assumptions about childhood and "the child." Recent critics and theorists have read children's literature as replicating imperialist structures of power in its representation and production of the adult-child relation. In this debate, however, adults represent themselves as powerless. Reimer invites readers to consider what cultural function this representation might serve.en_US
dc.publisherCanadian Children’s Literatureen_US
dc.titlePower and Powerlessness: Reading the Controversy over The Mighty Morphin Power Rangersen_US

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