Unheard Voices: Healing Stories of Reclamation and Rebuilding for Families of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit people who have not been involved in the National Inquiry
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Wolfe, Tammy
Wolfe, Tammy. Unheard Voices: Healing Stories of Reclamation and Rebuilding for Families of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit people who have not been involved in the National Inquiry [A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Arts in Indigenous Governance]. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: University of Winnipeg, 2021. DOI: 10.36939/ir.202204281548.
This work uncovers the stories of relatives who have been impacted by the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit people (MMIWG2S) in Canada, who have not been involved in the National Inquiry into MMIWG2S. Utilizing Indigenous ways of knowing and Indigenous research methodologies in the form of land-based and ceremonial healing during the data collection phase was an integral aspect of this research project. The relatives’ stories focus on the actions of police in regard to the death or disappearance of their missing or murdered loved one, their collective and individual methods of healing, as well as their recommendations for policy change with regard to police actions in the cases of their loved ones. This collection of stories proposes and supports policy change for the families of MMIWG2S, through the reclamation of Indigenous ways of knowing and practicing healing in order to rebuild.