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The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of INSL5 in a DSS-Induced Model of Ulcerative Colitis
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-08-09)Insulin-like peptide 5 (INSL5) is a novel gastrointestinal (GI) hormone, primarily expressed in the distal colon and rectum. Its cognate receptor is the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) relaxin family peptide receptor 4 ... -
Métis Knowledges and Climate Change: Towards Adaptation in Southeastern Manitoba Michif Communities
(The University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-08-07)Climate change poses a global existential threat, with Indigenous knowledges gaining momentous recognition for their critical role in addressing this challenge. Manitoba, experiencing rapid warming, faces ecological, social, ... -
A Human Rights-Based Perspective on Dried Fish Value Chains in Gujarat, India
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-08)Globally, small-scale fisheries provide livelihood and food security to some of the most marginalised and vulnerable populations. Recognising the importance of small-scale fisheries, there is an increasing policy focus on ... -
(Library Juice Press, 2023) -
We're the problem; mapping our way out of printing purgatory
(UX in Libraries, 2024-03)This is the tale of a behavioural mapping exercise that revealed some uncomfortable truths about our library’s role in the student experience, and the journey that got us there; how we followed the data to discover the ... -
Air Quality and Urban Prosperity: An Analysis of Municipal Composting and Urban Agriculture as Air Pollution Reduction and Mitigation Policies for Winnipeg
(Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg, 2024) -
The Cheapest Police
(University of Birmingham, 2024)Current debates within librarianship around intellectual freedom echo debates in broader society around free speech, cancel culture, and "culture war". This thesis argues that, far from being a transcendental value or ... -
Growing a Writing Practice: Non-Extractive Writing
(University of Winnipeg, 2024-05)Essays for sale, AI, plagiarism, grade seeking: clearly it’s time to revamp research and writing. Students have not learned to write well, they’ve learned to game the system, get the grade, and move on. The dominant colonized ...