Restorying Canada: Multiple Narratives in Progress

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Balint, Adina
Balint, Adina, and Patrick Imbert. "Restorying Canada: Multiple Narratives in Progress." Interfaces Brasil/Canadá 7(2) (2017): 19-39. DOI: 10.15210/interfaces.v17i2.10490.
This article examines, from two different perspectives, the relationship between historical and literary modes of restorying Canada: first exploring the process by which the country has shaped itself historically since 1867 to become one of the world’s most successful multicultural societies; and second, examining literary and artistic narratives that have had a wide impact on our understanding of what it means to be Canadian, and added a unique layer to our sense of the country’s potential. Basing the analysis on Will Kymlicka’s notion of multiculturalism, and on Jane Urquhart’s fictional text A Number of Things: Stories of Canada Told Through Fifty Objects (2016), as well as on Charlotte’s Gray’s historical essay The Promise of Canada. 150 Years – People and Ideas that Have Shaped Our Country (2016), we argue that the 150th anniversary of the Confederation is an ideal moment to re-examine stories, ideas and notions of identity/diversity, political decisions and transformations that shaped modern Canada. Thus, “restorying Canada” brings about bold challenges to conventions of how we remember, invites critique and inclusive alternative narratives. Este artigo explora as relações entre representações históricas, literárias e artísticas do Canadá: de um lado, estudamos discursos sobre a evolução histórica do país desde 1867 - o que leva a uma das sociedades multiculturais mais abertas do planeta; de outro lado, analisamos discursos literários e artísticos que tiveram um grande impacto no modo como imaginamoso país e na polivalência das identidades canadenses. Baseando-se na análise da noção de multiculturalismo de Will Kymlicka, e no texto ficcional de Jane Urquhart, A Number of Things: Stories of Canada Told Through Fifty Objects (2016), bem como no ensaio histórico de Charlotte Gray, The Promise of Canada. 150 Years – People and Ideas that Have Shaped Our Country (2016), demostramos que o 150º aniversário da Confederação é um momento ideal para reexaminar os discursos, as ideias e as noções de identidade e de diversidade, bem como as decisões políticas e as transformações que moldaram o Canadá moderno. Assim, "restorying Canadá" traz ousados desafios às convenções de como lembramos, convida à critica e a narrativas inovadoras e inclusivas.