Voici les éléments 301-320 de 1593

    • What are schools looking for in new, inclusive teachers? 

      Sokal, Laura (Faculty of Education, McGill University, 2012)
      Focus groups were conducted in four school divisions in central Canada in order to determine whether inclusive educators in schools could identify the knowledge base, skills set, and attitudes desirable in new inclusive ...
    • "This course is like paying to volunteer" or is it? Effects of a mandatory service learning university course on pre-service teachers' civic attitudes 

      Sokal, Laura; Barrett, Vern; Appel, Allan; Funk, Anneke; Radawetz, Mykaila (Faculty of Education, McGill University, 2016)
      One hundred teacher candidates enrolled in a mandatory course on service learning were surveyed pre- and post-course to determine their civic attitudes and willingness to take the service learning course. Quantitative ...
    • Inuit Perspectives on Sustaining Bilingualism in Nunavut 

      Tulloch, Shelley; Pilakapsi, Quluaq; Shouldice, Monica; Crockatt, Kim; Chenier, Cayla; Onalik, Janet (Université Laval, 2009)
      This article presents an Inuit perspective on how bilingualism and biliteracy may be achieved and sustained in Nunavut. The Nunavut Literacy Council interviewed "language role models" (i.e., Inuit who are admired for their ...
    • Avant-propos: Compagnons à la lisière de l'Islande 

      McGillivray, Andrew (Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada (AASSC), 2019)
      La récente publication de Wayward Heroes, traduite par Philip Roughton, constitue un événement marquant pour la littérature mondiale. Il s’agit de la première traduction directe de l’islandais à anglais du roman Gerpla de ...
    • Foreword: Companions on the Edge of Iceland 

      McGillivray, Andrew (Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada (AASSC), 2019)
      The recent publication of Wayward Heroes, translated by Philip Roughton, marks a significant event for world literature, the first direct translation from Icelandic to English of Halldór Laxness’s masterpiece novel Gerpla. ...
    • Extremal words in morphic subshifts 

      Zamboni, Luca Q.; Saari, Kalle; Rampersad, Narad; Currie, James D. (Elsevier, 2014-01-22)
      Given an infinite word x over an alphabet A, a letter b occurring in x, and a total order \sigma on A, we call the smallest word with respect to \sigma starting with b in the shift orbit closure of x an extremal word of ...
    • Growth rate of binary words avoiding xxxR 

      Currie, James D.; Rampersad, Narad (Elsevier, 2016-01)
      Abstract Consider the set of those binary words with no non-empty factors of the form xxx^R. Du, Mousavi, Schaeffer, and Shallit asked whether this set of words grows polynomially or exponentially with length. In this ...
    • Unary patterns under permutations 

      Currie, James D.; Nowotka, Dirk; Manea, Florin; Reshadi, Kamellia (Elsevier, 2018-06-04)
      Thue characterized completely the avoidability of unary patterns. Adding function variables gives a general setting capturing avoidance of powers, avoidance of patterns with palindromes, avoidance of powers under coding, ...
    • Avoiding three consecutive blocks of the same size and same sum 

      Currie, James D.; Cassaigne, Julien; Shallit, Jeffrey O.; Schaeffer, Luke (Association of Computing Machinery, 2014-04)
      We show that there exists an infinite word over the alphabet {0,1,3,4} containing no three consecutive blocks of the same size and the same sum. This answers an open problem of Pirillo and Varricchio from1994.
    • Binary Words Avoiding xxRx and Strongly Unimodal Sequences 

      Currie, James D.; Rampersad, Narad (2015-09-14)
      In previous work, Currie and Rampersad showed that the growth of the number of binary words avoiding the pattern xxxR was intermediate between polynomial and exponential. We now show that the same result holds for the ...
    • A family of formulas with reversal of high avoidability index 

      Currie, James; Mol, Lucas; Rampersad, Narad (World Scientific, 2017)
      We present an infinite family of formulas with reversal whose avoidability index is bounded between 4 and 5, and we show that several members of the family have avoidability index 5. This family is particularly interesting ...
    • Avoidability index for binary patterns with reversal 

      Currie, James D.; Lafrance, Phillip (2017)
      For every pattern p over the alphabet {x,x^R,y,y^R}, we specify the least k such that p is k-avoidable.
    • Attainable lengths for circular binary words avoiding k-powers 

      Currie, James D.; Aberkane, Ali (The Belgian Mathematical Society, 2005)
      We show that binary circular words of length n avoiding 7/3+ powers exist for every sufficiently large n. This is not the case for binary circular words avoiding k+ powers with k < 7/3
    • The Number of Ternary Words Avoiding Abelian Cubes Grows Exponentially 

      Currie, James; Rampersad, Narad; Aberkane, Ali (2004-06-19)
      We show that the number of ternary words of length n avoiding abelian cubes grows faster than r^n, where r = 2^{1/24}
    • Horse and Herald: Posidippus' Equestrian Angelia 

      Miller, Peter J (University of Toronto Press, 2019)
      Posidippus’ epigrams for equestrian victors (the Hippika, AB 71–88) build on epinician convention by maintaining the central role of the herald’s proclamation— the angelia—in the representation of athletic achievement. In ...
    • Millennial fire history reconstruction in the boreal forest of south-central Canada using lake-sediment charcoal, tree-ring and archival records 

      Waito, Justin M. (University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2016)
      The Canadian boreal forest has been developing since the end of the last glaciation approximately 10,000 years ago. During this time, fire has modified the development of the forest by altering species distribution, stand ...
    • The metric dimension and metric independence of a graph 

      Currie, James; Oellerman, Ortrud R. (The Charles Babbage Research Centre, 2001)
      A vertex x of a graph G resolves two vertices u and v of G if the distance from x to u does not equal the distance from x to v. A set S of vertices of G is a resolving set for G if every two distinct vertices of G are ...
    • To Make Good Canadians: Girl Guiding in Indian Residential Schools 

      McCallum, Mary Jane (University of WinnipegTrent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, 2002-05)
      Between 1910 and 1970, the Guide movement became active and, indeed, prolific in Indian residential, day, and hostel schools, sanatoriums, reserves and Northern communities throughout Canada. In these contexts, Guiding ...
    • A new polymorph of phenylselenium trichloride 

      Bloomfield, Hannah R.; Ritch, Jamie S. (International Union of Crystallography, 2019-11)
      A second polymorph of phenylselenium trichloride, PhSeCl3 or C6H5Cl3Se, is disclosed, which is comprised of asymmetric chlorine-bridged noncovalent dimer units rather than polymeric chains. These dimers are each weakly ...
    • Necessary Mischief: Exploring the Shakespeare Authorship Question (Book Review) 

      Dudley, Michael (Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship, 2019-09)
      Book review of Bonner Miller Cutting's 2018 book, Necessary Mischief: Exploring the Shakespeare Authorship Question.