Pauline Scholarship and Jewish-Christian Dialogue
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Calnitsky, Ed
Calnitsky, Ed. Pauline Scholarship and Jewish-Christian Dialogue; A Thesis Submitted to The Faculty of Graduate Studies in Candidacy for the Master of Arts (Theology) Degree, United Centre for Theological Studies..., University of Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: University of Winnipeg, May 2023. DOI: 10.36939/ir.202309071405.
This thesis endeavours to make a contribution to the larger project of mutual understanding within Jewish-Christian dialogue, and in this regard, I address one issue—that of reading Paul within Judaism as a necessary element for advancing Jewish-Christian dialogue. This thesis references representative writings of Pauline scholars—leading proponents of the traditional view of Paul, the New Perspective on Paul, and that of post-New Perspective scholars—to show the relevance of Pauline scholarship to Jewish-Christian dialogue. Although this thesis is not an investigation of the historical Paul, I draw on my background in theology and interfaith dialogue to outline the views of a number of leading Pauline scholars to uncover theological issues in Pauline scholarship in order to make a case for their relevance to Jewish-Christian dialogue.