University of Winnipeg: Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 1-20 de 1629
Open Scholarship @ UWinnipeg
(University of Winnipeg, 2025-01-29)At UWinnipeg, we prioritize student success, offer outstanding academic research programs and opportunities for students, support Indigenous achievement, embrace inclusivity, and foster meaningful connections on campus and ... -
The pro-survival effects of milk-derived extracellular vesicles in response to perinatal stress: Regulation of the heat shock response
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-12-13)Milk-derived extracellular vesicles (MEVs) are lipid-coated nanovesicles found in mammalian milk that survive intestinal degradation and cross complex biological barriers, including the bloodbrain barrier. MEVs have known ... -
Milk-derived extracellular vesicles attenuate the Nuclear Factor kappa light-chain-1 enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) pathway
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-12-19)Pro-inflammation may influence developmental trajectories and long-term health outcomes in offspring and is closely associated with early-life stress exposures. Milk-derived extracellular vesicles (MEVs), are a group of ... -
The Effects of Short Chain Fatty Acids on Growth Factors and Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Production in Enteric Glial Cells
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-12-06)Enteric glial cells (EGCs), the major cell type in the enteric nervous system, are involved in maintaining intestinal homeostasis by secreting growth factors that attenuate intestinal inflammation, support enteric neuronal ... -
Virtual Drive Thrus: Is OnlyFans the McDonalds of the Sex Industry?
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-12-05)This thesis explores sexual labour on the virtual platform OnlyFans to understand the labour process of sex workers within a gig work platform. This research utilizes interpretive qualitative methods such as interviews and ... -
The Detection of Fusarium Head Blight in Multiple Species of Wheat Using a Multispectral UAV in Southern Manitoba
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-12-10)Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) is a fungal disease that affects cereals such as wheat, severely damaging the plant, reducing its yield and value, and potentially rendering it unsafe for human or animal consumption. Detection ... -
Claws, climate change, and the Canadian Arctic: Spatiotemporal variation in ringed seal and bearded seal diet and mercury exposure
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-12-04)Climate change is disproportionately affecting the Arctic, causing a decrease in sea ice extent and thickness, which in turn impacts interspecific interactions and food availability for marine organisms. This thesis focused ... -
Spectral Effects of Heating C3.00-Ungrouped Chwichiya 002 and Other Type 3 Carbonaceous Chondrites Under Vacuum
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-11-26)Three petrological type-3 carbonaceous chondrites; C3.00-ungrouped Chwichiya 002, CV3ox NWA 14743, and CK3 NWA 15337 were heated under vacuum up to 700℃. Additionally, carbonaceous chondrite matrix constituents: saponite ... -
Solving Scalar Fields in AdS Space-Time using Parallel Computing and GPUs
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-12-11)Computers have been around a long time and used for many resources like gaming, emailing and science. Concerning the sciences, computers are excellent at repetitive tasks and crunching numbers without (much) error. In data ... -
Determination of the Effect of Minor Chemical Modification of β-Galactosidase on Electrophoretic Mobility and Development of a Stereospecific Method for the Analysis of Tartaric and Malic Acids
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-10-24)Studies in single molecules are a relatively new field of research in biochemistry. Research in this area looks at how enzyme activity can vary compared to a typical ensemble environment. This field of study covers a wide ... -
Strøby Egede, Vedbæk-Bøgebakken and Relationships among Scandinavian Mesolithic Skeletal Material
(Cambridge University Press, 2024-12-06)This paper derives from new work onMesolithic human skeletal material from Strøby Egede, a near coastal site in eastern Sjælland, with two foci. The first confirms sex identifications from original work carried out in 1986. ... -
Advancing EEG-Based Emotion Recognition: Multimodal Techniques, Channel Optimization, and Insights into Subjective Emotion Perception
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2024-11-28)This dissertation explores the application of electroencephalography (EEG) in identifying and understanding the neural mechanisms of emotional responses. Using a non-invasive and economically efficient OpenBCI Cyton wireless ... -
Safely navigating the "dangerous space between good intentions and meaningful interventions": A study on the use of school suspensions in Manitoba Canada
(Exceptionality Education International, 2024)This qualitative study delves into the perspectives of school leaders in a Canadian province, exploring their views on student suspensions and alternative approaches to school discipline. Amid a provincial advocacy ... -
Determining post pandemic organizational health in the education sector: A review of a school-based programming intervention
(Online Science Publishing, 2024)The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a post-pandemic, school-based workshop programming intervention developed by a national mental health organization, to support education sector employees as ... -
Towards Fully Appropriate Public Education in Manitoba: A 75-Year Journey
(Manitoba Education Research Network (MERN), 2017)While students in Manitoba have been required to attend school for approximately 75 years, this has not always been the case for students with exceptionalities. It was at one point illegal to educate them in a public school ... -
Using nematode traits to evaluate the effects of topography and grazing on the function of wet grassland soils
(University of WinnipegUniversity of Winnipeg, 2023-08-14)Understanding belowground impacts of livestock in rangelands is critical to developing sustainable grazing practices. This is particularly the case in wet grasslands, which face increased pressures in the timing and intensity ... -
Exploring Myths in Women's Narratives: Italian and German Immigrant Women in Vancouver, 1947-1961
(BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly, 1995) -
Oral History as Process-Generated Data
(GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, 2009)This article describes how to use (archived) oral histories as process-generated data. It explains how social scientists may locate and use such data in an informed way and assess the qualities of such data systematically ... -
GI Hans in Korea: Militär und Migration in der deutschen Nachkriegszeit
(Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2017)Obwohl Krieg, Militär und Migration seit Jahrhunderten eng miteinander verflochten sind, gibt es zum Thema Einwanderer im Militär noch große Forschungslücken. Meistens wird nach dem Zusammenhang von Migration und Militär ... -
History and Mystery: Students Investigate History of a German Settlement in Manitoba
(German-Canadian Studies, University of Winnipeg, 2017-08-02)